Is What's Next... the Next You Want?


As we head towards spring, you might be evaluating what’s next and if that’s the next you want.

Are you parenting, partnering, and participating in ways that benefit those lives you touch and those whose lives touch yours? Are you living your values in ways that are as consistent as they are courageous? Are you as invested in your work as it invests in you? And if this is the time to make a change, is it a change that promises to be as engaging as it is energizing or… is it just “next”? 

To truly understand what you want and why you want it, unpack your thoughts and answer the questions that go bump in the night: 

  • If you want to change jobs… why? 

  • How will a change improve your current situation? 

  • How will a change impact those who rely upon you? 

  • What are the drawbacks of making a change? 

  • What are the obstacles you’ll have to overcome in making that change? 

  • How will you overcome them? 

  • What will your new job be? 

  • Who will your new you be? 

  • How will this change satisfy what you want and need? 

  • Exactly… what needs to change? 

  • And is it you? 


If it is…  stay tuned. We have lots to talk about. 

Joyce Richman, a founding member of TCC, is a career counselor, author, consultant and executive coach. A popular lecturer, Richman has conducted seminars and workshops throughout the United States and has consulted in Belgium, Canada and England. She also serves as an Adjunct to the Center for Creative Leadership, an international management and leadership development organization.

More about Joyce Richman


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