Welcome to the TCC Member Blog!
If you’d like to become a Member Blog contributor, just email KJ Shapiro, and she’ll provide you with all of the details.
Reggie quickly became involved in TCC and joined the board last April.
Eileen first participated in TCC "back in the 'old days' (2012-2015)!
Norman moved to Greensboro from Charlotte, and joined TCC in February 2024!
My handstand is still a work in progress, but it constantly reminds me of two germane lessons.
When it comes to sales prospecting, particularly cold calling, even the most seasoned coaches can feel like they’re treading in very deep, very cold water. Despite the challenges, it remains a vital part of building your coaching practice.
In the rapidly evolving landscape of coaching, staying ahead of the curve means embracing innovative tools that can enhance our practice, bring efficiency to our tasks, and allow us to understand the forces shaping the professional environments of our clients.
How often, do you suppose, do they talk about the latest episode of vulnerability they experienced, what they learned from it, and how it changed their perspectives as a person and as a coach?
Hope is a superpower that unlocks our adaptability and fosters growth in the face of challenges.
It's not every day that we get to experience firsthand the dynamics of group interaction and leadership in a high-stakes environment.
Coaching the academic leader will increase the selfawareness, social acuity, and relationship management skills that are vital to managing a workforce with such diverse motivations and commitments.
“If you want to know what people value, you need to ask them.”
There’s no better time to write New Year’s resolutions than after spending time with family that stepped on your toes after you, surely without intention, stomped theirs.
Discover the transformative power of aligning coaching values with client needs.
…I’m pleased to report that I’ve been absolutely blown away and humbled by the amount of support and valuable insight I’ve gained in less than 60 days.
For many coaches, the holiday stretch from Thanksgiving through to New Year's is often viewed as a time to wind down their business for the year.
The allure of the familiar often trumps the uncertain charm of the future. It beckons with a comforting call, pulling us backward into the embrace of the known, the tried-and-true.
I feel strongly that lifey should be a word in the dictionary. It means life gets a little beyond what we think we can handle. Queue the stress response. And, sometimes, this stress response can be hard to control or get beyond.
Let’s explore the multifaceted nature of resilience, the differences between resilience and grit, and the strategic ways to foster resilience, not just bounce back but to bounce forward.
Measuring personal growth and effectiveness is a nebulous and challenging task. The impact of executive coaching has long been a space where we KNOW we are making a difference and still have a hard time measuring in a quantitative way.
Leaders who aspire to activate large-scale change in the interest of reaching strategic business outcomes can often name the characteristics they want to see demonstrated.
Allow me to be bold and suggest a critical initial priority - building healthy professional relationships with the team as a new leader.
For many years I was under the mistaken impression that leadership was vertical, and it only worked down. In other words, I could only lead those who were below me on the organizational chart.
Conflict is the bane of organizational productivity and engagement. When done with respect and curiosity, conflict can be healthy often leading creative resolutions.
Linda has served as chairperson for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee for 2 years and currently sits on the TCC board of directors. A guiding principle in her life has been to be fruitful where planted.
Wanda Swain, the president of TCC from 2017-2022 mobilized a cadre of competent coaches to take TCC into the digital age, moving programs and social events online almost seamlessly. She said she thought of herself not so much as the president but as a facilitator.
Intent is immaterial if the impact results in those individuals targeted feeling disrespected, incapable, incompetent, fearful and anxious, not knowing when the next barbed comment will pierce and destabilize the fragile self that lives within each of them and each of us.
I am an ambassador of the word AND. AND is a powerful word. It is the ONE word that has impacted my teaching, my communications, and even my business name.
In these difficult times, many of us are spending too much time out of balance; moving quickly back and forth between work and life, never fully grounded.
“When I interview I make sure to let the interviewer know how much information I have in my field. Often, I know more than the interviewer. I don’t get a call back. What do I do?” Does this sound familiar?
How we are treated can affect how we treat others. Do you know DE&I’s role in crafting an organization’s positive reputation from the employee-level to your reputation in your industry?