Member Spotlight: Robert Owens

Robert joined TCC in 2023. He wrote that he decided to become a member because, "I had been coaching virtually full time since August 2022 and wanted to connect with local coaches. I also wanted to connect with coaches who had diverse experiences and backgrounds. Many of my coaching colleagues at the time had training in sport and exercise psychology and were either health and wellness coaches or like me relatively new to leadership and executive coaching."

1.        What inspired you to pursue your current career or passion?

I have always had an interest in helping others pursue their goals. I strongly value professional development and personal growth in myself and others. I began my career at Guilford College in student affairs and later transitioned into continuing education, faculty development, and online learning at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. I retired from UNC Greensboro in 2022 to pursue a full-time career in high-performance coaching.

2.        Can you share a memorable turning point in your professional journey?

Retiring in 2022 was a pivotal moment for me. I wasn't 100 percent sure if I should make the career change. I am somewhat risk adverse, but I have learned that it is important to take calculated risks.

3.        What’s a challenge that you overcame that shaped who you are today?

Imposter phenomena has been a challenge for me. The inner critic telling you that you are not as good as you think you are. I don't think it is possible to fully overcome the inner critic. I have learned to live with it.

4.        What project or accomplishment are you most proud of?

Obtaining the certified mental performance consultant (CMPC) in 2021 through the Association for Applied Sport Psychology.

5.        What’s a skill or strength that you’ve developed over the years that people might not know about?

I've learned how to coach individuals who work in high-performance domains. People understand when I tell them I am an executive or leadership coach. They may not understand when I tell them I am a mental performance coach. I am trained in both the mental and physical aspects of human performance and I teach individuals how perform optimally in high-risk, high-performance environments.

6.        Can you share a piece of advice for others in your field?

Stay humble. Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep moving.

7.        What hobbies or interests do you pursue outside of work?

Chess, exercising, cooking, and traveling

8.        What’s something you're passionate about that most people might not know?

I am passionate about discovering the things I don't know yet.

9.        How do you stay inspired and motivated?

By reminding myself that our time on this planet is brief and its important to make the most out of it while we are still here. Community & Values:

10.       What do you value most about being part of this community or group?

I love that it is a diverse community of coaches who come from different training and cultural backgrounds.

11.       How do you give back to your community or support causes you care about?

I support several initiatives that seek to protect the environment and wildlands.

12.       Who has been a significant mentor or influence in your life?

I have had a number of mentors over the years. One of them is a former Temple University student affairs administrator. Dr. Ray Wells. When I was the president of the student government, Ray mentored me and taught me what leadersip was about. He once told me that I was the type of leader who was good at creating change from within. That comment stuck with me over the decades. When he learned I was moving to Greensboro to pursue graduate school, he encouraged me to check out the Center for Creative Leadership. Future Aspirations:

13.       What are your goals for the next few years?

Growing my consulting business .

14.       If you could make one change in your industry, what would it be and why?

Make everyone read the book "Range" by Dave Epstein.

15.       What’s a dream project you hope to work on in the future?

Publishing a book or manuscript Fun & Personal Insights:

16.       What’s one book, podcast, or movie you’d recommend to others, and why?

I would recommend Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein.

17.       If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them?

I can think of a number of people, but if I had to pick one it would be James Baldwin. I love his writing.

18.       What’s something quirky or unique about you that others might not know?

When I was younger my relatives and friends would call me "genius". I liked to read a lot. :)


More about Robert

Rob Owens is a Leadership and Resilience Coach who believes that optimal performance in work and life is contingent on the healthy communities we belong to (and the communities we create for ourselves). Rob has held leadership roles in various sport psychology and wellness organizations and serves as Division Head for Research and Practice for the Association for Applied Sport Psychology. Rob spent most of his professional career in academia, designing and implementing professional development programs and teaching courses in leadership, organizational development, coaching, and sport psychology. He retired from academia in 2022 to pursue a career in executive, performance, and organization development coaching. He is a board-certified leadership coach and a licensed therapist. 


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