A Cushion for Life’s Hard Times

by Lucy Wellmaker

Lucy Wellmaker

It is baffling to think about the time, energy and resources we put in to getting what we already have.

One of my favorite examples of this is from the “Wizard of Oz”, when Dorothy clicks her heels and realizes she had the power all along.

My recent reminder of this life lesson began as I meandered through a consignment store. As I turned the corner, I came upon the outdoor furniture I dreamed of having one day. It was a large wicker sectional with beige cushions.

I was not seeking it at the time, however, this was the moment it crossed my path and tugged at my soul. My hesitation, at first, came from not yet having a cover over our deck to protect the furniture. I decided to accept that life’s timing is sometimes different than mine and what I might expect or think that it should be. I decided it was time to stop putting off the thing I desired and act on this inspired moment.

I made the purchase and arranged for it to be delivered in the coming weeks. Things unfolded so smoothly that day. It was easy and felt so meant to be. When the furniture was delivered and set up, one of the cushions appeared to be missing. What started out as a dream come true, now felt very incomplete.

“It was probably left at the store,” we were told.

This is when all the extra effort began which included: several unsuccessful trips to the store; calls made to see if someone else had it; searching for a replacement cushion; emails back and forth to buy one; a long wait time to get one; several more trips back to the store to receive reimbursement for it and not to mention the emotional wear and tear from being questioned and maybe judged about the circumstances.

Months later the new replacement cushion arrived. On that same day, we would be moving the sectional sofa to prepare for the construction of our new deck covering. That’s when my son lifted one of the pieces. He noticed it felt different than the others and took a closer look.

There, neatly tucked up underneath the seat, was the cushion. It had been there all along. As long as we believe something is missing we will never find it. It was as if all the extra effort passed before my eyes and I gained the clarity I needed. Life can be hard. We often make it harder. When we stop resisting it, life provides us with the comfort and support we need - sometimes in the form of a cushion, or a job, or a home, or a spouse or whatever it is we truly desire.

Tucked deep inside, we have what we need to be and feel complete. We’ve had it all along. Wow . . . Ironically, we need to feel complete before what we think is missing will show up.

What are you resisting and how might you be making life harder?

Lucy Wellmaker is a Board Certified Coach and a published author of her book, “Inspired by the WOW Moments of Life”. She is WOWed by how an ordinary moment can have extraordinary meaning and delights in sharing these experiences and the words of wisdom they provide through her blog and her books. Lucy is on a mission to inspire, uplift and encourage others one “WOW Moment” at a time.




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