What Can You Learn From Coaching

What Can You Learn From Coaching

Ronald Graves

Success is not an outcome it is a journey. Knowing yourself is the key ingredient to achieving greater success in your life. You see, knowing yourself and knowing what is holding you back is far more important than simply knowing what you want. It’s awareness, not knowledge that can take you from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow. Therefore, things need to change in you for things to change for you. 

Now, most of us don’t think into our results, we just basically react to them when they happen. If you want your current results to improve you must move beyond your current level of consciousness. There is an intelligence deep within you that is far greater than your knowledge. It knows the answers to your challenges. You just haven’t become aware of it yet. 

The coaching process raises your consciousness through deep introspection and self-discovery of your inner world, where your greatness resides. Coaching is structured to cause you to bypass your analytical conscious mind, taking you into your unconscious mind where all your potential lies.  

Coaching creates a higher level of functionality – allowing you to become that person who is worthy of the success you desire in life. It focuses on your potential, not your performance, which will translate into future success. 

Permanent improvement requires a corresponding modification in your thinking. You must put yourself into a completely new level of consciousness to accomplish your dreams. There is a power within you that is seeking greater expression. It is only limited by your current level of thinking. 

So, to achieve success, you must create an environment conducive to growth. That environment is your mind. You must keep it free of negative thoughts, negative opinions, and negative ideas. It’s your beliefs that are preventing your growth because they are focused on maintaining your status quo. They want to keep you safe within your comfort zone. 

You see, you don’t really choose you’re your thoughts because they are influenced by your beliefs. It’s that little voice inside your head that I like to call my internal saboteur. The voice that says, “You can’t do that. What are you thinking? Are you kidding me? There’s no way! If you try that, it’s going to end badly. So, don’t be stupid.” Now, does that sound familiar? 

Most of the time, when these thoughts slap us upside the head, we ignore the idea and never think about it again. Now some of these thoughts are truly outrageous. But just think about those thoughts that you could have kept and at least spent some time evaluating them. I guarantee that in your pile of discarded forgotten ideas are nuggets that could have taken you much farther along in your journey than you find yourself today.  

You see, the coaching process takes you inside where your limiting belief system resides and draws your belief system into the light of consciousness. Modifying those beliefs will change your thinking. Changing your thinking will change your behavior. Changing your behavior which will change your results. Your limiting beliefs cannot remain unchanged once they’re brought into the light of consciousness. As you become more aware, your limiting belief system becomes weaker. 

Highly successful people are willing to be asked questions that require them to think at that deeper level. A coach can help you become more aware of the cause of your results instead of just simply watching them happen. You can begin to take full responsibility for your results and then become an active participant in changing them.  

The journey from where you are today to where you want to be is like any other journey. You must establish the current reality in your life to change it. If you want to change the visible you must change the invisible. Improve the quality of your thinking and you will improve the quality of your results. 

Your business and your life can only reflect the quality of thinking that you bring to it. So, you must understand what is influencing your current thinking. An introspective person is willing to challenge their deeply held beliefs when introduced to a great new idea, rather than listening to their internal saboteur. The process of coaching creates fresh eyes so that things that represented the greatest challenge to your success can now become the greatest contributor to it.  

Ronald helps corporate leaders & executives in manufacturing increase performance, improve leadership skills, make better (and more profitable decisions), and increase revenue & profitability while reducing waste and unnecessary expense.

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